Take Me Back to Manhattan

, by Unknown

I am counting down the days until I can live in New York. It's been my dream for the longest time to find a job that I love and be able to wake up in my favorite place in the whole world every morning. I want to be able to wake up in an apartment, throw on some clothes & sunglasses, walk downstairs and get a cup of coffee to drink while walking down the city streets.

I don't need a lot in life. I don't need a big apartment or a high class job. I just want to be able to enjoy my life, have people I can get ice cream with on the weekends and be in walking distance of a coffee shop or bookstore.

I would never survive in a country town where the closest store is fifteen minutes away. I never learned how to drive, and I will be perfectly okay if I don't at all. I can feel my life teetering on the edge of change and I am so willing and excited to jump right into the middle of it.

I know I haven't written in a couple of weeks, I'm actually too busy being present in my real life for once, instead of in my online life. I've been working out nearly every day, eating healthy, and focusing on school/ the job search. I'm changing my life and I'm happy. =)


  1. Sounds like you've been away for all the right reasons! Good Luck and God Bless on all your present and future endeavors!! :)

  2. Good luck with your ambitions sister. Sounds like you know what you want out of life.

  3. You just described my dream living location and the reasons why. And being in Jersey just makes it worse, like the day before Christmas; It's exciting, it's close, but it's not the same. Every fact you wrote was about me, except I can drive. And your review of Comic-Con really captured the love a geek has for the comics and movies everyone else is finally catching on to 30 years later... Thanks

  4. I long for a city. I *do* live in an area that just-barely crosses the line between country and sub-urban, everything is 10 minutes away - and while I LOVE my car (so, so very much!) I've always felt like I should be able to just walk to places, and living in a city. I see photographs of NYC, Chicago, even parts of L.A. and Seattle, and I long to be there (like the pic above, so very beautiful). I was raised in this town, and I've always felt out of place here. I'm hoping someday to get a decent job and move... maybe NYC, maybe Chicago, maybe someplace else. But this is such an inspiring post.
