Giveaway: Mighty Wallets

, by Unknown

Is your wallet too bulky and filled with phone numbers you never actually called & fortune cookie sayings you never listened to? Then let Mighty Wallet make way for movie ticket stubs you have yet to collect or those 8 Metro Cards you can't seem to remember if they had money on them or not. 

Enter the giveaway below to win one (1) of three (3) Mighty Wallets! If you are chosen as a winner, you can chose between a Crime Scene Do Not Cross wallet, A Beavis & Butthead wallet, or a DC Comics Flash wallet each a $15 value! You can enter many different ways, and each time will increase your chances of winning! 
The contest ends Sunday, February 3rd at 12pm. Sorry, this contest is only open to USA muggles.


  1. On any form of public transportation

  2. The worst place to lose your wallet is on a bus or train

  3. worst place is a mall or a bus stop.

  4. The worst I can imagine is to forget your wallet on the subway. If it gets left on the train, there's pretty much no chance of recovery.

  5. Losing your wallet in an airport is the absolute worst. You might as well auction your identity off on eBay.

  6. Worst place to forget my wallet would be in any downtown section of a city, where someone would take it, steal my identity, and run up charges on all my accounts.

  7. Worst place to lose my wallet would be out camping at say, Big Sur.
