Bookish Journal #3: "There's Some Good Left In This World, Mr. Frodo".

, by Unknown

Hello InternetFolk! 

I've returned after a short hiatus that was a result of my laptop finally calling it quits. I wasn't sure what I was going to do since I couldn't afford a new computer and so much of my life relies on the use of a computer. However, one of my Twitter friends decided to buy a MacBook Pro off my Amazon Wish List for me without telling me, and it arrived yesterday as a surprise!

I am entirely grateful for the kindess of people I have never met before and am humbled by everything you all have done for me. Sometimes  well, more often than not, I lose hope that my goals and dreams are too lofty or I'm not good enough to make them come to fruition. But somehow in my lowest of times people surprise me and inspire me to keep working hard.

The other night on the subway I witnessed another act of kindess that proves humanity isn't all done for.

I sat on a crowded subway and a man walked on asking for help. In New York City every other subway ride features somebody asking for money. It's heart breaking to see so many people in need of serious help. However, this city is also known for having countless con artists who make thousands a year off of sympathetic tourists. Unfortunately this deters people from helping out those really in need.

Which is why when a man came on on my subway car and asked for a job, instead of money, he earned himself second glances. This man was in his early thirties, dressed in a clean jacket and jeans. The man told his tale of having been laid off six months ago and was looking for work of any time to support himself. 

A woman next to me, well dressed and in her late 20s, called over to him.

"Are you really willing to work?" she asked him.
"Yes m'am."
"Would you mind working the night shift?"

"No M'am."

And then she proceeded to write down the address of the company (somewhere on 5th avenue) and when he asked what kind of clothes he had to wear, she simply said to wear the cleanest clothes he had.
The woman then told him to come in at 10am the next day, and the man began to tear up.

"Thank you, thank you so much, I won't let you down m'am."

At the next stop the man and the woman got off, disappeared into the crowd, and that was that.

I can only hope that the man did show up the next day and continues to do so. I tweeted a more condensed version of this story and it currently has been RT'd more than 30 times. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was moved by this simple yet outstanding act of kindness.

And so, I am reminded that there is still good left in this world and it's worth fighting for. 


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