'For the Girl Who Is More Than Just Geek'

, by Unknown

Hello guys!

I just wanted to properly introduce you to my new blog header! The talented Chris Wilson illustrated this for me, and you should all check him out on Twitter (@ChrisWils45) for your commission needs. I love the style of his work and how he incorporated my love of Star Wars, my signature acorn necklace and even my Paperman tattoo! My cat Pan, though, obviously steals the spotlight.

I want to explain a bit about my tagline as well. "For the girl who is more than just geek". There are an abundance of geek girls dominating the internet in recent years, which is a wonderful thing! Finally I have female friends who not only understand what I'm gushing about but share my enthusiasm for all things comic book & cosplay related. I'm thankful for Angela (@Angelaplz) who got Lord of the Rings tattoos with me, for Mara (@MarvelousMaraW) who I have day long geeky text conversations with, and for all the incredible women on Twitter who continue to inspire me every day.

Being a geek girl is awesome. I started in the comic book business three years ago working at Midtown Comics in Times Square hosting their events and monthly book club. I was nearly on Kevin Smith's awful tv show 'Comic Book Men' and I have cosplayed at multiple conventions as Ramona Flowers, Black Canary, Peggy Carter and more. Through all these experiences I'm made some incredible friends and have had crazy adventures.

However, I am not just a geek. I am also a movie journalist, a lover of fitness, a passionate New Yorker, and writer. I like reading about crazy innovative products, adventurous events, and how people around the world experience life. So I wanted to created a blog that focuses on all aspects of modern life because my readers and friends are also more than just geek.

My 4 year Twitter anniversary is coming up in a week, how insane is that! Four whole years of sharing my crazy life with all of you and in turn gaining the best friends a girl could have. Thanks for sticking with me this whole time.


  1. Excellent post, Zoë, and once again, love the new artwork! :-)

  2. Agreeing with Matt and thumbs up to @ChrisWils45 for the blog header art work.

    TR (aka @chiefted)

  3. I love the new header! And this was such a great post!
