An Indefinite Hiatus
Alright, I've been putting this off for quite some time now, out of denial and other things. I know I have been vague about so many doctor's visits on Twitter and have dodged questions so here is your answer: This blog is on an indefinite hiatus due to an injury of mine earlier this summer. As a result of this injury I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) which is, in short, nerve damage in my wrist that has spread to my hand and the rest of my arm. It's a severely painful disease to have and is at this point, incurable. I won't bother you will the gritty details but you can read the Wikipedia page here for those of you curious types. (However, my hand does not look like the gruesome picture shown, thank goodness.)
As a result of this injury it's incredibly painful to do every day activities, including typing. Between severe chronic pain and trying to deal with my every day life, I have no energy left for blogging unfortunately. I'm not the type of person to complain about personal problems online, but my hand hurts every day, every hour. Sometimes it feels like the inside of my arm is on fire, sometimes it feels like I broke a bone, sometimes it feels like my funny bone just got hit and that searing tingling pain lasts all night. Sometimes my hand is icy cold if you touch it. Basically, it sucks.
Until I have figured out a way to type without being in pain, this blog will not be updated. I also will not be taking any commissions or promotional contracts. Thank goodness for Twitter where I can use only one hand, so if you can check out my ridiculous musings there. Thanks for everything you guys, and until next time,
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