WWII Female Captain America Cosplay!

, by Unknown

Convention season seems to come about so quickly every year! Free Comic Book Day is the first Saturday of May and I was also asked to participate in Rutgers University's First Annual Geek Week, which also requires a costume.

I've been debating how to design my female WWII Captain America costume, and my good friend Kristin (@dramaqueen327) designed this one for me!---->

I've already acquired the lovely red boots for the costume, now all I have left is to find a suitable dress, corset and gloves for the costume!

I have a custom made WWII shield and helmet already in my possession to use, and @GonkDroidBlues on twitter suggested that I do my hair in 1940s pin curls to complete the outfit! I wont wear a wig because I think the costume is elaborate enough without a crazy blonde hair to throw it off.

Super super super excited about this costume! I didn't even think I was going to dress up this year due to time and money constraints. But geek magic works in mysterious ways ^.^


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